I'm really gonnna miss these. I love Friday nights in the summer. Thats when all my favorite teenage girls come over to hang out and have a bible study. We have been going through a book called "In the Flower of Youth" - such a sweet book about becoming beautiful young ladies. The topics include daily Bible study, speaking words of life, purity of heart, submission, family relationships, service, facing fears, and developing life purpose.
Matthew Henry wrote "The flower of youth never appears more beautiful than when it bends towards the Sun of Righteousness".

I love these girls so much - they are an incredible group of passionate young ladies who will be sophmores this year - they are leaders among their peers, with amazing hearts for the Lord. I can't wait to see what God does with their lives! They love getting together and sharing their hearts with each other. Most of them have been friends since they were very small.
They are such a blessing to me...
Shelby - one of the sweetest, sweetest, girls I have ever met who always keeps us laughing - one of the most accomplished ballerinas I have ever known who was accepted into a very elite ballet school in Baltimore - just returned from dancing for six weeks in New York. My Boo is quite taken with this "real" ballerina!! (and so are the dogs)
My Sydney - practically one of my daughters -loves to come over for dinner - loves my little girls like they were her own sisters, is an incredible athlete and teaches my Banana lacrosse, and apparently likes being upside down. She wants to be a physical therapist.
Megan - she is a passionate soul. I love having phone conversations with her. I always tell her I hope to be just like her one day when I grow up. She has a spiritual maturity that boggles my mind. She already knows she has a calling on her life to help plant churches and to lead youth retreats.
And my own sweet Punkin - I'm so proud of the friends she chooses - I consider them my own friends. She is such a nature lover - she has a connection to animals that I think is a rare gift. She wants to be a veterinarian and has a heart for missions, serving those whose animals are their livelihoods. She has a heart for special needs kids and wants to own a therapeutic riding equestrian center one day, and plans on volunteering at one this fall.
And the lovely Julianna. Another amazing young lady - she has a passion for special need kids too, and loves her Down's syndrome little sister like nothing I have ever seen!! I think every Facebook status of hers is about her love for her sister. She is also completely in love with her newest little adopted baby sister who is waiting to come home from Ethiopia, completely in love and hasn't even met her yet. A family of five girls. :) I love girls.
And of course, my Maddie. I feel like I gave birth to this one. :) She is the light of my life. There is more personality bottled up in this girl than I ever thought possible. She has the gift of words. Yes - WORDS!! I can't wait to see where this takes her. She keeps me laughing. This summer she has transformed into an astonishing mature young woman. She spent her summer on several missions trips and retreats which has truly been a turning point in her life.
One of my girls was missing this night - Sam. I love that girl. She is a quiet soul who is a favorite around here - (and a favorite at school too I hear!!) My little Boo even named her favorite security stuffed animal after her - Sam. She marches to her own drum and is never swayed by the crowd. She is an incredible artist who I'm quite sure will work for Pixar one day doing animation! I'll be able to say I knew her when......
I'm really going to miss our Friday night get togethers. But we still meet once a month throughout the school year for fun outings. It's been a very fun summer with them full of bonfires, basketball, food, fun and lots and lots of jumping rope!!!
I love you girls!!
Great times with some great girls. Think of the impact you will have and are having on their lives. And by the way. You fit right in with them. Looked like one of them in the picture.
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