Just thought I would share a few pictures from this week. Fall is certainly in the air here lately. We had one morning this week that we woke up to temperatures in the 40's. I love sleeping with the windows open, and even having to shut them because it's so chilly!! This is my absolute favorite time of year living in Maryland. It still catches me by surprise, being a southern girl and all, how much I enjoy the crisp nights and the changes of season. I caught these pictures of Boo the other night shortly after she had been tucked in. We had gone to the library that day, and she insisted on checking out a few chapter books from the section that big sister was perusing.

Looks like the book was completely captivating!! ;)
This little girl loves books more than I thought any kid ever could! And that is saying a lot because biggest sister Punkin, is an avid book reader and can rarely be found without a book in her hands (unless she is on a horse, which now that I think about it, I'm surprised I haven't seen her reading a book while on the back of a horse!). But I think Miss Boo may have her beat. I have read every book in this house (which I am unashamed to say is more than any family should own when it comes to children's books), to Boo at least ten times. Every single book. She rarely meets a book she doesn't love. And usually I have to read them repeatedly. I mean, immediately, repeatedly. "Read it again mom". Probably the only thing she doesn't really enjoy is any story that has heavy machinery in it. :) We have a collection of books about Mike Mulligan (and his famous steam shovel), which she tolerates, but doesn't ask for it to be repeated. I find that interesting because her cousin Tanek, LOVES any story with big trucks, tractors, steam shovels or plows in it! What can I say other than she is just a girlie-girl!! Maybe if the plows were pink.......
I love looking out the front window and seeing this in my driveway! I love how all the kids around here all hang out together, regardless of age. I think Boo loves it best of all!
After we went and picked more than our combined weight in apples last weekend (well, not really). We decided to come up with some creative things to do with all those apples! Banana had checked out an American Girl Cookbook (Felicity) and found a great recipe for apple butter. If you could only smell how wonderful this was as it bubbled away on our stove. Our house was full of the very smell of autumn! Apples, cinnamon, all-spice and cloves..... it was heavenly! We made a double batch so that we had plenty to share with our friends! Punkin thought we needed a picture of it... if only you could smell a picture! Happy Fall yall!
whine, whine, whine. It was sooooooooo hot here today. I may have to move someday.
I love these pictures. Love that the girls have jackets on, but flip flops too. Keep that Fl. tradition going. Boo is so cute sleeping on her books. I have that same problem, but then I am not an avid reader. I just fall asleep whenever I try to read. I do read a lot to Tanek, and sometimes I can fall asleep doing that too. He does love the big machinery books. Funny how different girls and boys are. Just born that way. How neat it is. I love the apple butter. Wish I could be there to eat some. I can "almost" smell it. I love fall too, just wish we would get there. They are predicting next Tues. it will feel like fall with temps dropping into the low
80's and low humidity. Sounds good to me. Not quite sweatshirt weather, but definitely open windows weather. Love that "free" air.
If the rain would stop (8 days straight), we'd be able to enjoy the signs of fall a little more in "our neck of the woods". I've heard that apple butter on the stove is one of the most heavenly scents and am eager to make some myself. Some of the leaves are just beginning to change and I expect in another two weeks it'll be absolutely gorgeous in Ohio. I do look forward to autumn. My only concern is what follows...all that snow!
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