The title of this post doesn't even do this girl justice. Do you ever meet someone and leave there knowing you are a better person because of it? That is her. Sweet Miss A - she radiates beauty like no young girl I have ever met. I have actually known her since she was a little girl, but didn't know the amazing young woman she has become. She has an amazing heart for missions. She went on a missions trip to Peru this summer with Focus on the Family, and is praying about a trip to the Dominican Republic. What is even more amazing, is that she is just exactly like her mom - they both are beautiful ladies, inside and out. She even handed me a piece of paper with the name of a song written on it, that she would like to have included with her slideshow - the name of it is "Set the World on Fire" - the name says it all. Here is your sneak preview "Z" family! When I get the whole gallery finished I will post the code for you!

gorgeous photos, heather :)
Beautiful pictures. I want my maternity pics taken in a field of flowers. Love that!!!
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