Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Just before Christmas, I had the pleasure of doing a session with Dr. Wells and his entire family. We got some great shots of them with all their grandchildren. We are very grateful for Dr. Wells - he has stitched up Emily's busted lip and seen our entire family many times at those unexpected trips to Patient First!! They are a wonderful family, who have served the Lord in ways most of us would never imagine! He has shared his medical services in Africa for many, many years as a missionary. It was a pleasure to spend a very cold afternoon with your family! You can see the rest of the images by entering the code "wells".

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Wendy said...

Hola! What wonderful pictures of Dr. Wells and his family. I LOVE the final picture of the green/blue spiked hair and goggles! Oh my--totally reminds me of Noah and his constant "get-ups" from his younger days. Well, I guess it continues as he's constantly dressed as Michael Jackson! Thanks again for sharing your work--GREAT JOB!!