This week my Banana has been getting her Christmas craft on!! Each morning during our Bible time, I allow the girls to do something to keep their hands busy while they listen, and Banana has been crafting up a storm!

Boo has been working hard in math - she is working with two digit numbers now, and getting a good understanding on addition, as well as understanding tally marks, and counting by tens. Counting by fives is much trickier for her.

I guess it's the time of year, but Banana has not been into her schoolwork much lately. Doesn't she look thrilled to be reading? I love Brody's nose between his paws...

Banana finished up her Amish reader this week - Living Together. She has really enjoyed this book, and even says she wants to keep it for her own children. Well, that's a good sign!! I placed an order for several more just like it! She loves reading about the simple lives of the Amish - we often talk about how we would TOTALLY love to become Amish.... simplicity.....

Boo is so proud to read four books at a time for me - her Starfall books are her favorite.

Spelling is always a struggle area for Banana. This week we applied some Orton-Gillingham methods to our work by using as many sensories as possible -writing our her spelling words in oatmeal or in flour as she says it out loud is helpful and FUN, and messy.....

In Math this week, we are starting to understand the concept of multiplying and adding fractions, as well as long division and long multiplication reviewing... this makes our math lessons very loooooooong each day. These fraction manipulatives are very helpful in trying to explain reducing fractions and understanding equivalents.

In science, we are continuing to review the Respiratory System. We also filled our winter bird feeders and have enjoyed watching the winter birds return. Our science focus has somewhat shifted to birds again this week. Banana has made her own little bird feeder that sits inside a crack of the decking, which she put right next to the sliding glass door so that she can observe the birds VERY closely. She has spent hours and hours on the floor waiting for the birds... I just realized I should have taken a picture of that! For every new bird that she spots, she marks it in her field guide with the date and place that she discovered it. Yes, I think Ornithology is certainly in her future.

In memory period, we are working on a Latin Table Blessing.... as well as the Preamble to the Constitution, famous quotes by Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King, Jr. We are continuing to memorize the dates of the famous events of the Middle Ages - it's a very long song!

I've not been very good at documenting here about our Character Building curriculum - we focus on a character quality each week. This week it was being tenderhearted. So many hands-on lessons this week to show tenderheartedness.

Banana's body language when it's time for math. Just seconds before this picture, she had her head hanging completely back. She heard me grab the camera and quick sat up. I'm finding that the camera is a disciplinarian tool in itself. They know if the camera is around, they better behave or it could end up on the world wide web!!

In History we learned about the First Kings of England, and the areas of Ireland, Scotland, France and Wales. We discovered that the reason the Vikings invaded these areas in Britain was because they didn't have a strong king to fight back. We read about the Battle of Hastings, Alfred the Great, and William the Conqueror. We discovered that when the Vikings invaded and settled in that area, that we could very likely have some ancestors who were Vikings!! My father was born in England. When discussing this over dinner one evening, my Punkin said "So that explains why we fight so much!!"

And we ended our week with a Friday afternoon snow shower - the girls were soooo excited! They are anxiously awaiting some accumulating snow. This afternoon I have my bi-annual homeschool review with the state - I always get so incredibly nervous about these. Ugga-mugga.

Linking up over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers - Check out what everyone else has been up to!

My 5-year-old son is using the same Math curriculum as Boo...and is struggling with counting by 5s too! They'll get it though!
Beautiful photos! Love Banana reading with Brody nearby!
Your school room looks fabulous! Hope the assessment went well!
Snow! How fun! And Brody is CUTE -- as are your girls, of course. :)
We had snow this afternoon too...so fun! We love the Pathway series of books ~ I used them for my ds8 to read aloud to me to check his reading...I can't wait until dd6 is ready for them :)
Your school week was so inspiring - i love seeing how others home school and your blog is one of my most favorites!
I hope your assessment was good - i'm sure it must have been :-)
Hannah, I am with you. Watching birds is a lot more fun than math or spelling. Unfortunately they are necessary. I have filled up my finch feeders and the other feeders with the nut, fruit and sunflower seeds that the birds love so much. It is fun to see who is coming to dinner. The squirrels are always trying to come,but I have squirrel proof feeders. Keep studying. Christmas vacation will soon be here.
Your snow pics are so pretty! And I LOVE your girls' boots! I would love to know what character curriculum you are studying. I would love to find something that we can go through this summer.
As always, I enjoyed your week in review--looks like fun. I use wicky sticks for my class, although they're just working on letters, not words. We do use different mediums for practicing our letters (sand, salt, flour)--they enjoy something other than a crayon and paper. I love Banana's enthusiasm toward our fine feathered friends--so sweet :). Enjoy your weekend and hopefully we can send some more snow East!
Your pictures are so beautiful! I love the Amish too. I have a Friend who is as close to Amish as you can get she lives in Alabama and I keep telling her I'm going to join her with my family.
Wonderful week~~I always enjoy your photos.
I love your pictures so much! I always go back and look at them a second time and you have reminded me about my perspective when taking shots!
looks like you had a wonderful and productive week!
Sounds like another good week, Heather! I hope your meeting went well. I'm sure you did fine. Your girls are learning so much!
I'll have to check out those fraction manipulatives. ;)
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