The very first snowflakes of the season always are cause for great celebration around here. We are, afterall, transplanted Floridians. Saturday was such a cold day that all day long the girls were talking about how they wished it would snow. I kept telling them that there was absolutely no snow in the forecast....sorry. That didn't seem to deter their longings for snow in the slightest. Notice their inside out jammies? Around here, it's supposed to be good luck to help it snow, along with putting a spoon under your pillow. Who on earth comes up with this stuff? We never heard these things in Florida. They agreed they should definitely do the inside out jammie thing that night. What would it hurt?

I woke up early Sunday morning, right at 7:00 and crept downstairs to see a beautiful heavy snow falling, so I quick checked the radar, and saw that it was only a tiny little band of snow crossing over us and then it would be gone. I decided to wake the girls up so that they wouldn't miss those first few dusting flakes. I thought this was pretty strange, because I had just checked the night before and there was zero percent chance of any snow.

When Banana looked out the window, I thought she was going to jump right out of her inside out jammies - she was talking so fast I could hardly even understand her.... then I finally deciphered it... "Mommy - me and Julia (her sleepover buddy) prayed for an ENTIRE HOUR last night in bed that we would wake up in the morning and see snow falling!!"........ WOW. So that's why there was a tiny little band of snow crossing over us at 7 am Sunday morning. Thank you Lord - for letting our little ones see how powerful you are, that you sometimes answer our prayers with an immediate and definite "yes". Thank you for proving once again how splendid a childlike faith can be, and for planting seeds of powerful prayer warriors in our children.

They were pretty big fluffy flakes, so we tried to see if we zoomed way in on the picture if we could maybe see the shapes of the snowflakes - you can kind of see it!

I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20.

pretty cool! and i love that He is never too busy to listen to us.
I love it when you can see the snowflakes - it is so pretty!
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