history projects
not so very easy

paper castles
lots of cutting

hot glue
snowy afternoons

medieval stories
serfs and noblemen

archers and knights
skinny windows
just wide enough for arrows

stories of hide-and-seek within the castle walls
castles come to life

"Hey mom, does Banana reeeeeeally have to do her math NOW? - pleeeeease?"

making a castle out of "stone" cocoa puffs
marshmallow mess

happy girls
sneaking bites

sticky fingers
buttery hands
sticky hair
knowing stone castles can't be burned down by enemies

hands-on learning
a handmade stone castle with a "keep" in the middle
a portcullis, a garderobe (outhouse), stone chambers, wells, courtyards, secret passageways, spiral staircases

eating castle creations
being rather barbaric - or viking-ish

Did you guys do these this week, too?! Wow! I'm impressed! ;)
Hannah's daddy and I were married in a castle that looked a lot like that first one you built! We still visit it often. If you'd like we could pick you up an English Heritage information book and some bits and pieces next time we go there? It's called Portchester Castle in Hampshire, UK.
Your girls did a great job with the coco pops and marshmallow - that's a brilliant idea!
Carrie - Yes we managed to fit a lot in this week! Now we can enjoy our break knowing we have earned it.
Susie - That would be spectacular!! So generous of you! I love following your blog homeschooling Hannah in the UK. Contact me through e-mail and I will send you my address. Thanks again! What a magical wedding you must have had.
Great pictures!! I remember making a castle out of Kix the first time we studied the middle ages a few years ago (Story of the World!). Really fun, but really messy. And a little lop-sided by the time we got done :).
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