Believe it or not - this is not just me having some fun with my camera.... this is a school lesson....
a science lesson!! Can you guess??

We were studying the muscular system! We were learning about how God made the human face in such an intricate way, comprising more facial muscles than any other creature he created! The number of facial expressions you can make depends on how many muscles you have in your face, and human faces are packed with muscles! God intended this so we could communicate with one another simply by changing our expressions. Since God communicates with us so effectively, it is not surprising that He made us so that we could communicate effectively with each other.

Guess again what the girls are doing here??

More lessons on the muscular system. Holding our arms out at first isn't hard at all, but the longer you hold them there, the more tired they get. We learned why this happens - we learned how the cells in our muscles actually take turns working, and why they get tired - and how we can make our muscles healthier and stronger!! Poor wittle tired armies.....

Miss Boo spent some time gazing out the window on a very cold and rainy Thursday... pondering the things a 4-year-old ponders on a rainy day....

and I spent plenty of time gazing at her preciousness and her little hairs....

I wonder what the boys think about as they gaze out a rainy-day window...

Have I ever told you how much I love this guy???

While Boo spent some time investigating things for herself..

I spent more time gazing on the precious freckles of my Banana....

We had lots and lots of read aloud time this week.... we finished up several books and we are now enjoying "On the Shores of Silver Lake". It seems we enjoy starting and ending our days reading aloud, with plenty in between those times too. Is it possible to read aloud TOO much to your kids? I just might be guilty.....
Banana wrote a letter to her aunt this week about one of those read-aloud reminded her of a story her aunt told her about a cowbird and it's eggs.

Boo enjoyed responding to a letter she received in the mail this week from her 4-year-old cousin. How sweet is that?? Four-year-olds corresponding via snail-mail!! :)

We decorated our front step this week. Banana chose the orange mums.

We have had a very productive, but short school week.... have a wonderful weekend!
I love reading your homeschool updates!!!!
You've had a great week!! I love the photo of Boo and the magnifying glass.............priceless!!
Love all the pictures of the girls. All their different expressions. Looks like fall has definitely come to Maryland. We sure could use a rainy day. Our weather is just too perfect right now, but we do need rain. Seems Florida always needs rain. Love your mums. Didn't realize that those are exactly the urns I bought for my birthday gift from you guys. Have a great weekend.
As always, looks like an amazing week at your house, and you captured it beautifully!
O yay! Can't wait for my mail to get here! And the collages of the girls are so cute - miss them sooooo much.
What science are you using?! It sounds so fun!!
LOVE the pic of Boo with the magnifying glass! Banana's freckles are precious - I love my little guys freckles, too!
Hope you have a great weekend, Heather!!
Thanks everyone!! Carrie - we are using Apologias Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology. We love Apologia science!!|1123931|60624
Oh goodie! Tanek will be so excited to get a letter from Emily! Love to read about your weeks!
oh my gosh! i love the magnifying glass picture! gotta love homeschooling!
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