My little princess is at the PERFECT age right now. She is three years and three months. She brings such an amazing joy to our lives!! She is always happy, and has so much fun doing absolutely anything! She is at that stage where everything she says is just hilarious. She always puts her sunglasses on upside down, and she loves to talk on the cell phone. This past week she has said such cutie things like this:
1. After a very long and tiring day of running she tells me just as she is dropping off to sleep, "Mommy, my legs are watery".
2. The next morning after that long day, she woke up waaaay too early and said "My eyes are not working, I think they need new batteries".
3. On the airplane coming home from FL she said "I can't hear my ears".
I miss her! If you can bottle her up, then send her to her Aunt Kiki!
The upside down sunglasses crack me up. I miss her so much. tell her aunt Jennie's eyes need new batteries too.
Let me add to her cute "Emilyisms."
When we were in the living room of your Mom's home, she looked around and surveyed all of the chaos and said "ah--all of this just giving me a headache!"
She is so cute Heather and I agree with this age being soooo fun. Brooke is just a laugh a minute. I too wish we lived closer because I know these two would be "Princess Buddies."
I could add a cute thing she said while we were watching Cinderella about the "mean stepmother" but we won't go into that one. She is precious and I miss her too. Tanek keeps asking "where did Emily go?" I love age 3. Wish we could freeze them at that age.
How precious! You are so blessed to have her in your days!
That mean stepmother comment would have NOTHING to do with those stepsisters, poor Cinderella... nothing can make stepmother's head spin like rotten big girl attitudes....
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