Have I told you lately how much I love my dogs? I love them so much I don't even have a spinning head moment when I discover these lovely presents in my house. I'm sure this window is much more attractive after some additional puppy slobber. It is possibly true that there was just a tiny bit too much window sill right there, I'm so glad they took care of that for me.

And the stairs just needed that special little touch from my little bundles of love.

Did I mention that they are extremely talented? I mean, who else can chew a hole directly through a wood floor? How is that even possible? They are so skilled.

They are also incredibly bright. You know, they graduated from puppy kindergarten so they are quite sure that screen doors will automatically open when they decide to bolt outside. Smart little guys. And strong too apparently. Can you do this with your head?

Pure innocence.
Happy 1st Birthday to the most important men in my life (well, you know).