Boo's class had a fun kid-friendly Thanksgiving feast complete with chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and tater tots! You will be seeing lots of kindergarten faces here because I'm the PTF rep for the kindergarten class this year - which keeps me very busy!
It's so fun to see the little friendships develop with the hopes of them becoming lifelong friends as they journey through their school years together.
I'm so thankful that Boo has such a very sweet group of kids in her class.
(This one's for you Lynne!) He always cracks me up! Apparently Sam felt the need for a quick shut-eye.
On the same day as the Kindergarten Feast - I was also responsible for the Pastors Breakfast - a community building event that our school hosts where students can invite their Pastors to breakfast at our school and invite them to visit in the classroom. What a busy day it was! I like this picture of Boo holding her pastor captive with some tale of some sort - you just never know what might come out of Boo's mouth these days. I usually get a daily report from SOME body at school saying "I just HAD to tell you what Emily said today!" Oh my....
During gym time......
And then we had an entire week off to relax and enjoy Thanksgiving! We also were able to get the house decorated for Christmas. It was a nice week off and we were all ready to be back into routine this week. Hope your Thanksgiving was great too!
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