Monday, February 28, 2011

I Would Have Blogged

But I have been dead.  I'm pretty sure I have been dead anyway, it's all a blur.  Actually, I should probably be slightly more accurate and say that I have been sick, but that would seem sort of like an understatement. 

For the entire month of February, I have either:

A) had a fever,
B) been recovering from a fever,
C) had bronchitis,
D) nursing a child with a fever,
E) trying to cohabitate with a husband with a fever,
F) been in bed
G) been trying to get out of bed
H) coughing up a storm
I) been strung out on some sort of cough medicine

I'll stop there.  We still have a couple of feverish girls around here, and I am still very slooooowwwly wandering aimlessly around the house trying to figure out what to tackle first... and then decide to lie down instead anyway.  This is most definitely some sort of horrific upper respiratory virus (or so the doctor says), that lasts and lasts and never goes away, at least not for quite a long time.  I have seriously never been this sick, for this long, in my entire life.   Just when you think you start feeling better, wham-o!!! Ya get sick again.

So, we are anxiously awaiting spring time and a germ free home around here.  I haven't even picked up my camera this month.   Now THAT is sad.  This past weekend we were able to open all the windows and air out of the house (thank you 60 degrees and sunny) and we Lysol-ed and sanitized and Norwexed everything we could think of, and we even bought new toothbrushes for every family member.   

Here's hoping for a better week, one that will involve clean laundry, groceries in the house, and a camera in my hand!  :)


Jgaga7 said...

Get out the Lysol spray and go for it. Glad you are all getting better.

Susie said...

Oh my word, you've had a rough month! I hope you all feel much better really, really soon xx

Amy said...

I hope you all are better soon.

I hate when my daughter or hubby is sick. I would rather be sick then them. LOL

Karen said...

Take it easy and don't overdo it. We did the toothbrush thing too. Spring is on it's way - or so I hear :)


AMEN to that sister! You looked so much better today!

Joanne said...

I hope you feel better soon! Blessings, Joanne

Erin Gaeng said...

Well I am glad you have weathered the storm! Now pick up your camera- you have a lot of catching up to do. I normally start my day with my blog roll and no updates have made for some very dull mornings :)

Take Care!!


Jennie said...

I know a couple people here who have had a cough for like a month. Susan is still on meds for hers. It just hangs on and doesn't want to let go. Hope you're all back to 100% soon.

Wendy said...

Goodness--hope those nasty germs flee! Take care of yourself and hang in there--hope you and your family feel better soon! Hugs, W.

z said...

Get better soon. Our month was January - strep for 4 weeks solid. I laughed about the toothbrush thing as we did the same thing. Hope you're all better soon!