Another fun Timberdoodle product review for you! This is called the Paint By Number Museum Series. What a great follow up to our year of fourth grade studies of Monet and Van Gogh! Boo studied Georges Seurat a few years ago and da Vinci will be part of our fifth grade art curriculum.
The Museum Series includes four different works of art - The Starry Night, The Japanese Footbridge, The Eiffel Tower and the Mona Lisa. Since we had four kits - all four girls in the family (including me!) had a chance to experience the kit and give their own review. Plus we had a great family paint night in the process - for a much more reasonable price than if we had gone out for one of the popular paint nights at a local business.
What we loved most about these paint by number kits is the fact that the numbers are not printed directly on the canvas. There is an included reference sheet with the numbers on them that you can refer to. The canvas itself is excellent quality and will last for a lifetime!
Everyone chose their favorite and got to work! Boo wasn't super thrilled that she ended up with the Eiffel Tower by Seurat - but sometimes that's just life with having two big sisters.
We each worked for several hours on our pieces. Banana (our middle girl) is our resident artist and we all knew hers would be gorgeous! The rest of us hobbled along following the directions carefully. We decided that the paint color options on each of our palettes could have been a little better, but they were pretty close to what the originals should look like - with perhaps an exception to the Mona Lisa. There was a bit of blending and shading to do so that could have been user error on our part.
Punkin worked on the Mona Lisa and Banana did the Japanese Footbridge. You can see in the picture above that Boo started to lose interest and started doodle painting on her napkin! The enclosed reference sheet gave some fun facts about each artist that we could discuss as we were painting which helped with the educational aspect of our paint night.
Banana was totally rocking the Japanese Footbridge :)
I was the lucky one to get Van Gogh's Starry Night - I had so much fun painting this and the kit was set up in a way that made it very easy to feel like a successful artist! The attention to detail was excellent! There were clear directions on how to mix colors to get a more desired effect. Part of the packaging could even be transformed into a tiny little easel to display your art work. I plan on framing each of these to display on the wall somewhere all together.
Boo (who is 10) lost interest after a few hours so hers will still need to be completed. Her piece used pointillism (a technique using small dots to form an image) which is probably a bit more difficult than free hand painting. Punkin was a little disappointed in the final color of her Mona Lisa. The recommended age for these is eight and up and is part of Timberdoodle's Third Grade curriculum kit. We all certainly enjoyed our fun paint night. These would be an excellent addition to your art study curriculum - you can read a bit more about how we study art in our morning basket time by clicking HERE .
You can see some of our other Timberdoodle Reviews by clicking HERE also!

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