Boo and I had the pleasure of joining her old class for a field trip today! What a wonderful bonus while homeschooling to still be able to enjoy the things she is learning right along with her peers. Our school is such a blessing. They had planned at a trip to Veritas Press Offices and Warehouse - the wonderful supplier of our school (and homeschool!) curriculum. I've shared before how much we have enjoyed our self-paced on line history curriculum, and today we had a chance to see behind the scenes as the filming was taking place! But first - we toured Veritas Press and explored the warehouse.
The smell of new books was intoxicating - one of everything please!!??
Like kids in a candy store....
Next we moved on to the behind the scenes filming - this was so exciting! The main character "Hector" who is the narrator for her history lessons greeted us - it was like seeing a movie star!! Haha! Boo was simply beside herself. Today they were filming one of the self-paced on line bible curriculum - it was so much fun to watch.
They explained to the kids how everything worked - from the green screen, to the teleprompters and everything in between.
Then the class took some shots in front of the green screen - Veritas is going to surprise us with "where" the picture was taken - the coliseum? the Aegean sea? the pillars of Herucules? Crete? Ancient Greece?
Then they took some video of the kids being silly one by one - who knows what they will do with that video clip? Can't wait to see!
Mrs. Barker being silly - what's new? HAHA!
"QUIET on the set!!" We were able to watch them film some actual clips to be included in the curriculum. I can't say enough about this curriculum - it's always the highlight of Boo's day (and mine!) - this year our school is a pilot school for using this homeschool on-line curriculum and adapting it to the classroom.
We had a quick and lovely picnic at a nearby park.
And then we visited a life-size replica of the Tabernacle. There was no photography allowed inside so we just have these quick ones from outside. But it was so fun for the kids to see exactly what they have been learning about!
While we were at Veritas Press, the kids sang their history song in front of the cameras - I wasn't able to record the whole thing because my phone didn't cooperate, this is only about half of the song. The kids have learned this song just since school started in September - I'm telling you - this curriculum is AMAZING!! It will make a history lover out of your kiddos!

This looks so much fun! What a great day, and so lovely that Boo gets the best of both with homeschooling and going on field trips with her class :-)
Thank you for capturing Sam being Sam! Lynne
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