Things have been very busy around here - just normal day to day stuff. I haven't started any new big projects - there hasn't been time. I have lots of random pictures I wanted to post (for our scrapbook) before they found themselves stuck in the recesses of my external hard drive.
12 Random Thoughts Today:
1. I feel sorry for babies that are born today.
2. I love having a backyard full of little girls.

3. I'm in love with my new rearrangement of furniture in my bedroom (insert Nana's comment about me rearranging things).
4. I'm even more in love with winter sunshine streaming through the windows and onto my bed.

5. Equally loving my storm door and the sunlight that pours through it in the late afternoon.

6. I question myself as to why I feel the un-natural desire to take a picture of anything and everything I find interesting, like really long shadows of myself.

7. It took me 20 years to figure out how to not answer the question "whats for dinner?" approximately six times each day. A simple menu board. I love this - love, love, love. It holds me accountable to cook, I know what I need to cook, and if I hear the question I simply refer them to the board. The questions are finally dying down.

8. Little girl number three is entering the years of passionate American Girl doll love. In the picture below note the AG doll, the AG catalog, and AG website.
9. I love dressing AG dolls as much as my girls do. (But possibly not as much as my oldest sister). They never complain about what I put on them.

10. I love seeing a "learning space" in random places around the house - a bird project my Banana is super-excited about, along with a left-over Valentines Day lollipop.

11. Spring is popping up in my yard. Whatever happened to winter?

12. It's pouring down rain here today, and this little foxy guy was enjoying a rainy day stroll down my neighborhood sidewalk. He is a regular in the area. He kinda freaks me out.

Happy Leap Year Day. Enjoy your extra day!

Just have to tell you that i love EVERYTHING about this post, just love it!!
We have a little girl with a passion for American Girl dolls as well, she'll really like seeing Emily with Kit, she is on Hannah wish list (and mine too - secretly i spend more time on the website than even Hannah does !!).
Also, i have to tell you that you have a really beautiful house!
S xx
Love it all but the fox. I know where your furniture rearranging gene comes from.
I can remember when we were waiting for Hannah to be born and hoping and praying she would NOT be born on leap year day. And she wasn't. Not going to comment on your changing things around because I just have done a bit of that too. The fox....eeew. Don't think I would like him roaming around either. Winter is gone and I for one am SO SO SO happy about it.
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