We still accomplished quite a bit of learning (but don't look at the disaster of my house in the pictures this week!!) One day, Banana had the assignment of making oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies (YUM!) completely from scratch, AND completely without assistance from mom, AND including her little sister - giving her directions and cooperating - quite a task!

Certainly a lesson in measuring, following directions, cooperating, leading, order of processes.... .and more!

It was so much fun to just sit and watch this all unfold, and bite my tongue a few times. They really did a great job and the cookies were soooo yummy!! Though, my kiddos aren't fans of oatmeal cookies, so we still have a lot of them here... cookies anyone????

In history this week, we learned about the first people of Austrailia. We learned that all the places in history we have studied so far, and the dynasties that were ruling - the Guptas ruling in India, the Tang were ruling in China, the Yamatos ruling in Japan - there was no one ruling in Austrailia. They were nomads - we learned they were called Aborigines. From the Latin roots ab origine meaning "from the beginning". As I read their history lessons to them, they kept their hands busy with fun learning toys....

Banana had fun talking about the crazy traditions the Aborigine clans had - like squeezing water out of frogs directly into their mouths for drinking water while hunting. And eating moths for snacks! We had even more fun when we decided to google images of aborigines. Very interesting people!

We worked on our Geography while learning about history and located Austrailia on the map and the globe.

The girls received this Leapfrog globe as a Christmas present years ago from their Nana - I highly recommend it as a great learning item!! This particular one is no longer available, but there are plenty of great ones out there.

My boys were just BEGGING for more history - please mom???? Or ... wait... maybe that was a treat they were begging for...

Hannah is doing really well with her Latin studies.. studying this language is just like studying English much more thoroughly. I have really learned a lot right alongside her. As you can plainly see, I have my Latin Teachers Guide right in front of me during Latin!!

Boo is really making great progress in her reading - the Bob books are becoming much easier for her now. Yesterday, she even read a sign in the store - what an exciting moment!!!

She still loves working on her Draw Write Now books.

And she enjoyed plenty of time on http://www.starfall.com/

And this week we put together our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. The girls were also given an assignment to write a letter to place in their boxes for the child who would receive it.

Banana caught Boo telling me a secret....

And I caught them in a stolen moment on the back deck.......

How was your week?

Just stopping by to say thanks so much for commenting on my blog. I looove your blog and your girls are all too cute!! I had no idea that you were in MD...so am I! Its always great to meet other photographers in Md (your pics are all so wonderful by the way)!! Hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy the wonderful weather!! :)
Wow, looks like a fun and busy week, and GREAT photos, as always! I especially love the spinning globe pic.
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