Daddy is so happy to finally have a little girl who loves Alabama football! She gets just as excited as he does!
He got them both matching jerseys - I know this number is significant for some player he likes.... but ????? Boo loves that she matches her Daddy.
Watching the game together... (notice the identical football watching posture)
REALLY, seriously, watching the game together......
And a touchdown hug for Daddy!! Boo was very sad that Daddy flew off today to see an Alabama game without her, but he promised to take her (and all of us) next year! Let's hope that Bama continues their winning streak!
I love these pictures of Boo and her daddy. Such precious memories they are building. She is so cute. You really should watch a Bama game. THey are so much fun. I love college football. Even the Gators. I just love the school competition and it would probably mean a lot of both of them to have mommy in on the fun if even just one time. I hope he enjoys the game tomorrow. ROLL TIDE!
uncle steen is out of the state, how did i miss this? but these are SO sweet, you should really sign her up for little kiddie soccer, or something i bet she could be really athletic!
Nana - We always watch Alabama football together - I just can't get into like some others can. I used to be a huge Gator fan - but SOMEBODY made me resign my Gator fan status when I got married.... sigh..... I do like college football, but just don't get very excited about it. Richard's Bama enthusiasm is very contagious though. He doesn't get enthusiastic about much, as we all know!
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