Sunday, October 28, 2012

Family Portraits 2012

 We have been planning this little fall family photo shoot for about FIVE years now - we finally found a date that everyone could coordinate schedules and got it on the calendar at the peak of the fall leaves.  Of course, OF COURSE there had to be a hurricane heading in that very day.  We decided to brave the weather and take our chances, and we made it JUST in time.  This family is our very dearest friends - we have been friends since our oldest were four years old - so just about 14 years now. 
 Can you believe this was the FIRST time I ever did family photos for them? 

 Punkin and her BFF Madison - also my fourth daughter.  Goodness I love that girl. 
 Hannah Banana and her buddy Julia. 
 And little Miss Anna and Miss Emily - I held Anna Mae on the very day she was born.  The same is true for "Aunt Webb" and Emily. 

 Since Madison is my favorite sidekick when it comes to photography, and she is quickly learning everything I know, she snapped these pictures for us too.  I'm proud to call her my apprentice! :) 
 Me and my girls....

 The whole gang! 
 There is never a dull moment when we are all together. 

 This is my favorite! 

And just when we finished up - the storm started to let loose and we all dashed to the cars!