Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014
Master Bathroom ~ Redecorate and CLEAN!
I was recently given the "gift of clean" - which is seriously probably one of the BEST gifts I have ever been given. One of my BEST clients (you know who you are!) gave me this gift after all the photography jobs I have done for her. She hired a cleaning lady to come clean my house for me for four hours! It was better than a day at the spa :) It just happened to coincide with me doing a complete re-do of that bathroom. It had been almost ten years since I had painted in there and it was desperately needed. I even painted our builders grade oak cabinets white - and it made such a difference. It's so clean and crisp in there now. And did I mention CLEAN??? :)
I painted the walls a beautiful light blue-green by Sherwin Williams called Sea Salt. It's one of my new favorite colors. My dining room is also painted this color (and more recently my master bedroom as well). Can you see how clean that tile is??? It's never been that clean since we have lived here.
I take a bubble bath almost every single night right after dinner. (While the kiddos do the dishes) :) It's seriously my favorite time of the day. Now I have a little basket of washcloths right there waiting for me. No more calling to my hubby to please bring me one from the linen closet at the end of the hall. I even installed a new towel bar right over the tub so that I have a clean towel ready and waiting within reach. I purchased just four new towels and they are MOM's towels only. My family goes through a serious amount of towels - so it's nice to have my very own that are out of that rotation. This has actually worked out very well. I can't believe I have never thought of it before.
I love this little wooden hinged box that I found at Homegoods for my "girly things". It sits right on the back of the toilet within easy reach. I love the vintage camera on it and it has just the right colors!
I've turned over a new "cleaning" leaf lately - thanks to this inspiration! I've always been great at keeping clutter to a minimum and I LOVE organizing. However, cleaning (actual scrubbing and deep cleaning) have always taken a back burner. I will be sharing some of my tips on how to KEEP things clean and my favorite natural cleaning products with you soon! I have been slowly and surely eliminating all toxins from our home - starting with our diets of course, but now its filtering into my cleaning products. I have discovered they work just as well if not better than the toxic poisonous stuff!

But for now I think I will go take a bubble bath.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
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