Thursday, November 29, 2012

More Christopher Elf

Christopher has been quite busy around here lately - he is terribly excited that the Christmas decorations are all up.  We discovered that he loves Chick-Fil-A mint chocolate milkshakes as much as we do.  He also prefers colder temperatures inside the freezer. 

He fits in well around here as he has an appreciation for classical literature as well.  He was brushing up on some Mark Twain one day. 

He just about came unglued the day we brought out the Christmas decorations - he was into EVERYTHING! 

He does have a soft spot in his heart for baby Jesus. 

He likes to pack the kids lunches - so far he has chosen some pretty healthy options, but I'm keeping my eye on that one. 

He really seems to enjoy our reindeer.  We can hear him trotting all over the place on him in the night.  Who knew elves were nocturnal? Not I. 
Fortunately, we don't mind the reindeer droppings that seem to appear all over. 

He has pretty good taste in Christmas movies - he spotted an awesome sale while out shopping one day and picked up a movie for each girl - they were a hit! 

He needed a good  bath after we discovered him making snow angels in the powdered sugar.  But apparently Santa has him well-trained - at least he kept it confined to a tray.  Thank goodness that wasn't all over the floor! 

He keeps a close eye on what goes on from some very sneaky spots - we walked by him so many times on the front door before anyone realized he was there. 

And just this morning, he had gathered up some colorful ponies and was having a little devotion time.  I think I like this guy.  He's good fun to have around. 

To see more of what he has been up to around here - you can visit him HERE and HERE 

Photo Challenge Submission


  1. I'm so behind the times, i've only just discovered that Elf on the Shelf is a thing!! He is sooooo cute, I want one (also want one of those milkshakes!)

  2. Such Beautiful Photos. I love your whimsical little elf too...the my little pony pose is my favorite!

