Monday, December 20, 2010

Staying Up!!!

Tonight there will be a total lunar eclipse - combined with the winter solstice - are you staying up???  I've already been practicing --- here is what the moon looks like at 9:30 pm, eastern time.....


  1. Wow! GREAT moon shot! I'm hoping to stay up, don't know if we'll make it... may have to set an alarm :)

  2. I plan to see it. Can't wait to see the pictures you get.

  3. Gorgeous shot! Love looking at the moon through our binoculars. What lens did you use for this shot?

  4. I think I'll be setting an alarm, too! Our meteorologist is hopeful that we may get to see it through some breaks in the heavy cloud coverage. Beautiful shot! Can't wait to see the others you'll get tonight!

  5. I am with Denise... GREAT SHOT, and what lens did you use? So clear. How awesome! We have some thin cloud cover here. It's quick moving but most certainly sharp pictures like that. :) Can't wait to see the rest of your shots.

  6. Wow, this picture is simply amazing!!

  7. I used my Canon 5D Mark II with the 135mm L series lens. When the moon was still very bright, I used a very high shutter speed, 5,000 and above, and then when the moon turned red, I used a very slow shutter speed with a tripod. Lots of trial and error until I figured it out - and veeeery cold! :)
