Thursday, January 1, 2015

Clean and Organize Your Home in 2015

Hello blog readers! I hope you have had a fantastic 2014 and are hopeful and ready for the New Year.  2014 brought several changes around here.  After being diagnosed with celiac disease at the end of 2013, I had to make some huge lifestyle changes.  I see it now as a huge blessing because I had to become very disciplined with my eating habits, which in turn made me very disciplined in many other areas of my life.  The biggest change for me is that I really got into gear with getting our home clean and organized.  I have so many great ideas I want to share with you here so that YOU TOO can enjoy a clean and organized home, which in turns makes for a clean and organized LIFE!!  It's amazing how much your lifestyle can change and how much less stress and chaos will be surrounding your days just by getting yourself organized.

Not only do I feel a million times better now that I eat healthy on a consistent basis, but my day is so much less stressful now that most of my home is organized and I have figured out how to KEEP it clean and organized.   Yes, there is a bit of work involved as well as teaching yourself new habits. But I promise you, if I can do this, anyone can do this.  So who's with me???

January is always the time we start thinking about making a fresh start.  Between trying to find homes for all the kids new Christmas gifts, the cold weather, and the flu season that makes you want to just stay home and hunker down (or is that just crazy OCD me? - I really hate germs).  There is no better time than the start of a New Year to make some changes for the better.  But this isn't the kind of change where you make another silly New Year's resolution only to throw in the towel next week.  We are going to take little baby steps together towards a bigger change that will be such a welcome relief to you all - I promise!

I am starting a NEW SERIES here that will give you a small task to focus on each week until your entire home is clean, clutter free and organized!  I would love for you to join me as we do this together.  You can do this simply by checking in here on my blog - sign up at the very top of this page with your email so you don't miss a post! You can also follow along on Instagram by following me HERE.   You don't even need an Instagram account - you can just check in to see just my profile with inspiring pictures.  I would love for you to post your own pictures of getting clean and organized by using the hashtag #organizeeverything - it will be so fun to see what we are all up to and how much progress is being made.  Don't forget to take a "before" picture! You can also follow along on Facebook by clicking HERE.  

What better way to spend the dreary winter than to focus on the insides of our home - and by the time spring arrives - we will be clean, organized and ready to spend lots of time in the wonderful outdoors, sunshine and fresh air!  So, over the next eight weeks we will focus on one part of our homes each week and spend a little time there every day working towards our goals.  I will be sharing lots of pictures of my spaces - and I will also be doing some of it right along with you!

But before we get started on our eight week challenge - we are going to get all the Christmas decor packed up (properly this time), and ready to begin our new year fresh.  Stay tuned for the next post on packing up Christmas this weekend!!

Happy New Year!


  1. I will be stalking this series for sure!!! I'll have to revist when we finally move in to our new house in April when it is finished being built. But I get to design everything so hopefully ill get some ideas from you. Especially for our mudroom!!!

  2. Hooray!! I'm so excited for you - it will be so fun to clean and organize a brand new home - congratulations!
