Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fairy Houses

My crafty creative girls are at it again!!  One of the things I love most about summer is the amount of time the girls have to just think, create and imagine. 

They chose a little corner of our yard at the stump of a tree and created a welcoming cozy cottage for fairies.

Complete with a very soft lambs ear bed with lovely smelling floral pillows.

Some very interesting lanterns hanging outside the door for when twilight appears.....

If you look closely, you might see a berry chandelier..

Can you see the teeny-tiny purple flower petals lining the pebble walkway?

In the far corner you can find a little rock stool and a mushroom table with a fairy sized green pumpkin awaiting a curious fairy.   Notice the broom beside the table just in case the fairies need to tidy up??

We see lots of fairies in our yard - but you have to sit very, very, very still and wait for them to land on your toes. (Also a well-kept secret in my photography bag of tricks for keeping little ones still and focused long enough to snap a good shot!)

Almost every morning a fairy leaves a dew-kissed flower in Boo's car seat for her to discover - this has happened for years and years......   I know the fairies will be excited to discover a litle home built just for them after all these years of flitting around our yard.

Fairies come in all shapes and sizes......

My Banana also created this nature-inspired horse as a surprise for Punkin.   Her creativity astounds me sometimes. 

We decided he is a hillbilly horsey since he looks like he only has one tooth in his mouth.  :)

In other news.... we have had plenty of late summer storms this week.  Several days we even had hail.  I snapped this picture after they were already melting - the hailstones were even bigger than these.

And our puppies have been catching up on their reading....

My favorite read this summer has been 'The Help" - I highly recommend the book AND the movie!!


  1. Incredible! Loved the B&B pics too.

  2. Creative and adorable :)!

  3. Beautiful fairy house! My Hannah said it was the best one she'd ever seen :-) and the hillybilly horse is really artistic - love it!

  4. you really should enter the pup pic with glasses into the i heart faces pet challenge. i think it ends today.
