Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Recitatio 2011

Recitatio is always one of my favorite events of the year at school.  It's a classical education tradition that dates back hundreds of years where the children recite just a sampling of the things they have learned throughout the year.   We listened to these kids recite songs, poems, scripture, jingles, hymns and much more for a solid two hours - all committed to memory.   The theme was a patriotic one, but included everything from parts of speech to scripture to famous artists.  It was truly a marvel to behold!! I had to fight tears for the entire two hours.

I feel blessed beyond measure to have a school like this for my girls.   To see how much these kids can do, not just academically (which is unbelievable!) but how there lives are being shaped by the people who pour themselves and their time into these children, and seeing how the Holy Spirit blesses them.  Filling them up with knowledge, scripture and character just as the scriptures command us to do.  Even though these kids deserve the highest praise, they will always point the glory back to Christ.  It's simply beautiful.

We also saw a sampling of their artwork on display - check out Banana's self portrait!


  1. The girls are so precious. i LOVE the self portrait. Darling : )

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Well done. I can see how this is a favorite each year.

  3. Wow! What an awesome tradition in the school. I love this validation of a year of hard work.

  4. What a nice event to culminate the school year! You should be super proud!

  5. Great photos... you really captured their joy of sharing what they have learned! Love this idea for schools! You have beautiful girls!

  6. Way to go! You must be so proud.
