Eeeeeek - I can hardly bring myself to type that word - Prom. Punkin's school is very small - this year marks the 12th anniversary of the school, therefore this year is the first graduating class, which consists of a total of FIVE graduates. The Junior class is slightly larger, and Punkin's sophmore class is much larger, with a group of about 24 or so. So, this year is our schools first experience with a Prom. The seniors decided to forego the typical prom type of dance, since there are so few of them, and just do more of a prom after-party, including dinner, a favorite ice cream joint, and all night bowling. Each Jr and Sr were allowed to bring a friend/date, so several of the sophmores attended as well. So, here are my Punkins official- unofficial first prom/non-prom photos.

(No worries Nana - just sparkling cider!)
(Oh - and there is Punkin's friend who asked her to attend the prom, standing right there beside her.)

Here are just a few of the mama and papa-razzi!! I love how they decided to do prom - many of these kids have committed to a "no dating" rule throughout high school, so they decided to go as a group date. Several parents chaperoned and drove them around in their vehicles. One mom even decorated the inside of her mini-van with garlands of flowers draped all around the interior! These kids are the best and I feel so blessed that they are a part of my Punkin's life and mine!
Awwww so fun! Kirky looks beautiful and I love her dress! Casey also really likes the black and silver dress! And Aunt Kiki needs to the scoop on this friend!!
I know I already said this on Facebook, but you are absolutely amazing :) these pictures are downright gorgeous.
Awww, they all look so beautiful and happy! Great pictures!
Sorry Aunt Kiki, but there is no scoop!!
Oh and thanks so much Katie! You guys are certainly a very photogenic bunch!
Great pictures. Love Kirsten's dress. SHe looks beautiful. How did you know I was wondering what was in those glasses? I did come to the conclusion that a Christian High school would NOT be serving their underage kids alcohol. Smart conclusion huh? Looks like they had fun. But....Kirsten should NOT already be that old. I miss the little girl but proud of the big girl she has turned into.
lovely! I really like the idea of no dating through highschool. I think that there's enough to worry with university applications and getting good grades,friends, etc. then trying to find a life partner!
Gorgeous, what a lovely (non) prom xx
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