On Tuesday, we had a relaxing day at Nana's house, but we managed to pack a lot into it.
Punkin and Dellynne enjoyed plenty of conversation about very intellectual things.....
like literature. One of their favorite subjects. Dellynne is one of Punkin's teachers (she also directed the play Cyrano that Punkin was recently in). She is most likely teaching her AP World Literature and AP World History next year.
Banana enjoyed plenty of snuggle time with Nana.
And we all had plenty of laughs about Papa and his useless cell phone (he never answers it).
I stole lots of hugs and kisses from this very special little nephew of mine - I think he's the only kid in the world that has a veeeeery southern accent mixed with a Russian accent.
My Punkin enjoyed plenty of time at the pool and the porch with the sun and her book.
This was not an uncommon sight on this trip..... Can I just tell you how wonderful it is to have someone other than Boo's parents care so deeply about her little heart? Dellynne has an incredible gift of being able to see straight through you and read you like a book. I love that about her. She challenges you to want to become a better person. Here she was showing Miss Boo what she looks like when she is so grumpy. She wouldn't let ME complain either...... sigh......
When this little one got grumpy, self-focused, and demanding - after some tears she was always able to look like this again, our little ray of sunshine! And what a burden that was lifted off her little heart.
Dellynne was born and raised in Florida too - just like me. So, her sister-in-law came up for a visit with her niece and nephew.
Henry and Tanek had so much fun playing together!
We all enjoyed walking through Papa's garden to see what was popping up!
I absolutely LOVE this picture above....
Go this way ..... no THIS way!!
Four five year olds!
We spent some time at one of my favorite places - Keystone Beach. I grew up right here - this is where I learned how to swim. Stephanie had given Dellynne strict instructions to not get her wounded foot wet - she was very obedient!
But you just can't keep this girl down for long......
Boo found her very own "Whomping Willow" and had a grand time playing in her own little imagination world.
Banana found an air plant to bring back as a gift for her BFF.
Do you think Mary Poppins flips upside down out of swings? I'm thinking yes. .....
Punkin loves that she is shorter than someone....
Since this was a last minute trip, I didn't tell my Grandma in the nursing home that we were coming. My sister Jennie came up from Tampa with her kids and we all surprised her! It was so much fun. I have a video of it, but because my sister's baby is a foster child, I can't put the video on the web. She did give me permission for this tiny little profile shot of him though. I have sooooo many great pictures of him that I can't share here. Most of the pictures I have of Jennie and her girls include the baby so I can't share those here either. We enjoyed spending time with her at Nana's pool and they joined us at Keystone Beach as well.
We brought Grandma back to Nana's house so she could watch the kids swim for a while.
That evening, we had a little visitor outside of the pool screen. Nana was THRILLED that the new screen is doing it's job and keeping the snakes out of the pool.
My Boo LOVES snakes - that crazy nut. I hate them.
Here are a couple more crazy nuts who apparently aren't afraid of snakes either.
We stayed up well into the wee hours of the morning just talking and talking sitting out by the pool. We made some great memories and my family has adopted Dellynne as a welcome addition to our family.
I certainly hope your family has adopted me, because I adopted them! I love you, Heather, and all of your wonderful family members. I can't get over how well you capture the adventure of it all. Your gift for catching the beautiful moments is astounding and I'm so grateful you share it with us!
Cute picture of everyone with Grandma. The snake is yucky.
It was fun to relive the day through these pictures. It really was a fun visit with all of you and I love having a "new" daughter too. She was a hoot. Tanek loved her too and he told me the day after you all left "I sure miss everyone that was here even Mrs. Dellynne". And for some reason he has no trouble saying her name like I do.
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