Sunday, April 25, 2010


Last week Boo had a special presentation at school for Mother's Day. It was so precious!!

This is Boo with Mrs Denise after she read "Love You Forever" to the moms and kids. Nana bought this book for Richard and I when we were pregnant with our first baby. She used to tell us that she just might drive across town (when we lived closer) with a ladder on the roof of her car at night to rock her baby boy to sleep one more time. You have to read the book to understand that!! Nana - I took this picture for you. Now that I'm a mom I know JUST what Nana was talking about!! I remember Mrs Denise reading this book at the Mother's Tea when Banana was in Pre-K, but she cried too much that year and couldn't make it through!! (She's a little teary in this picture because her first baby is off at college now.)

(Pardon my excellent video taking skills - I was trying to take pictures and video at the same time!)


  1. Oh, I miss Boo so much. She did such a good job singing. I still can'r read that book without crying. There have been times (not too recent) that I did want to come rock him to sleep. It was pretty hard taking 2nd place but by the time you go down to 5th place you get kinda used to it. It helps that I knew he found a good woman to take care of him and that all 4 of his women don't mind sharing him with me. (sometimes they would all probably like to give him back):) And you were pretty patient with me (most of the time) while I almost bled to death when those apron strings got cut and I love you for that. You are good that you have all girls. You know what they say, a son is a son until he takes a wife, but a daughter is a daughter all of her life. I am thankful I still have a son and also another daughter.

  2. So precious! Boo looks too cute in that dress! Such a blessing to have teachers who love our children so much.

    Nana, I will be calling you one day when that son of mine holds the hand of another woman in church....don't know how I'll do it. He's so affectionate with his momma and I pray that when the time comes, far far away:), that he will find a tender-hearted young lady who will deserve his precious heart.

  3. Okay ladies - no tears on here please!!! sniff...sniff......

    I'm so glad I don't have sons, it's such a different thing to mother sons I imagine.

  4. But sons are so special . They are so loving to their moms and I guess that is why it is so hard to give that to another women. But daughters grow up and love their moms too. Maybe they don't show as much affection, but the friendship is great. Karen, just keep praying for the right one to one day come along. It makes it easier. I can tell you there were a couple that I probably would have put a contract out on if they thought they were going to marry my son. Haha. Not kidding though.

  5. Ladies, I'm sniffing too! My boys are growing up much too quickly and the thought of "another woman", well, I can't even go there yet. But, I do echo Karen's prayer... Heather, my eyes are watering from Boo's performance--I just LOVE this age! I have to say "good-bye" in two quick weeks to my class and I'm already dreading the good-byes. Just love those little darlings!
    Thanks for sharing her performance--she and her class did a great job job! Looks like it was a fun morning!
