Tuesday, February 9, 2010


After we were finally able to dig out - we hit the slopes! This was the very first time anyone in our family has ever been skiing - and now I am completely in LOVE!!!

Boo and Banana were the quickest to catch on, as we suspected. Boo had absolutely no fear - she would plow down the hill with no thought of how she planned on stopping or what she might crash into - it was a little bit unnerving. But mostly, she would ski in between Aunt Webb's legs. The other two families were pros at skiing and were hitting the black diamonds (the steepest, most difficult), seriously, kids and all. The guys and the boys were even snowboarding at night!
Just getting off the lift.
My view sitting in the lift - we were at Wisp Ski Resort in Deep Creek Lake, MD in the Appalachian Mountains.
Just finishing up ski school - can ya tell we were standing sideways on a mountain?
Banana and her buddy. We were so lucky to be skiing in the best conditions this resort has seen in over a decade - they said it was like skiing in Vale, Colorado - a huge pack of fresh powder! I was just glad to have a more cushioned fall. But I quickly got the hang of it, and the kids were even quicker! And I have officially found a new addiction. It's given me a whole new perspective on winter now. I'm already planning another quick trip - we have some more local places around us, and after another 20 inches today and tomorrow - I'll be ready again!! Here are a few clips towards the end of day one that Maddie was crazy enough to take while she was skiing - the sun was starting to set, and it was super cold!! Single digits cold.

At the end of day two - the Webb family who had stayed with us on the slower slopes the whole time to help us out and be great friends, decided to take their last few runs with their two youngest kids on some of the more difficult slopes. Their last run was on a black diamond!! Youngest one at six years old, made it down a black diamond. A-MAZING!! We had so much fun with you guys! Can't wait to do it again!


  1. LOVE all the pictures and the skiing video--awesome! Who was brave enough to film? Trey & I skied when we were dating (yep--MANY years ago)! You've inspired me to try again--maybe this time I'll be more successful! We're heading snow tubing on Sunday--Trey's in sunny CA (snowing here--NO SCHOOL), so we're waiting until he returns. Looks like an amazing weekend!

  2. Yay! I'm soooo glad you guys had fun and love skiing! It definitely makes winter a lot more fun and is a great family activity. We must ski together!

  3. PS~ E looks too adorable in those teeny tiny skis! That's how Austin started - barrelling straight down the hill!

  4. It does look like a fun time. We did that once went to Big Bear in Calif. and it snowed and snowed. It was so much fun. Stayed in a large cabin with our SS class (when we were young marrieds) and it was great. Skiing is definitely fun. Makes me cold looking at it though, but glad you had a good time. Nice cabin too.
