Friday, May 1, 2009


A new world has opened up to me... yep...the world of SKYPE. It is sooo cool to be able to see my sister and her gang while we chat via the internet. Here you can catch a glimpse of the REAL Ryan family. I actually took pictures of my computer screen while we were chatting. Just doing my job as little sister, I'm sure there will be payback for this one..... but in the mean time. Here is my big sis and her kiddos (and her hubby) in all their glorious Skype action!! Sibling rivalry at it's best. Mom threatening the kiddos and then pointing her "big sister" finger at me when she saw the camera. I'm not even quite sure what to say about the picture of Karen looking off into space and little guy making finger animals, other than "that's the Ryan's". Enter hubby to see what's going on, then stopping a moment for a family photo (minus Coley). Then the youngest Ryan man doing what he does best - acting just like his dad!! Love ya Aunt Ki-ki!!

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  1. That is so cool. We'll have to get one so I can see my grand-daughters everyday. I'll have to wait til you come and show me how to work it.

  2. Nana you must get Skype!! You would totally love it! Other than the possibility of your family looking slightly insane when a sibling posts it! But I still love Skype.....

    (And yes, Heather, just wait.....)

  3. Trying to type something here but nothing but strange things are coming to mind . . . . love the staring at the celing thing, Austin's faces and the family photo pose. This is inspiring to say the least. Just surrendered to Twitter (after many requests . . . ) so I may as well check this out to.

    so funny. hahahaha

  4. Oh my gosh that was really funny haha

  5. Now I know not to ever Skype with you unless I have my makeup on :)

  6. OK--I have to know what Karen was looking at on the ceiling????!!

    Let's just settle this once and for all so I can get some rest.

