I was very honored to be asked to be the photographer for our local CHEN (Christian Homeschool Education Network) graduation ceremony. This is such a great group of kids! I had a great time picking the minds of all these amazing moms who have gone before me on the venture we are about to set out on! We are blessed to be in an area with amazing amounts of resources and fellow homeschool families. Being at this ceremony and hearing the speeches given by the students, the parents, (and even a Senator), was just exactly what I needed to witness to confirm our decision to be a homeschool family. (Thanks Lord!) Homeschooling is a noble calling, but one that will reap great rewards, both academically and relationally. The experiences that are available for modern homeschoolers are mind-boggling!! I am so humbled to be called to this great task and I am more determined than ever to make these homeschooled years (however long they last) to be the absolute best they can be! Here are a few pictures for you guys - you will receive your packages in the mail in a few weeks. To view the pictures, you can enter the password "graduation" under the client section of my site HERE.

Kelly was ready for lots of tears!
Can you believe this is all one family?
Congratulations guys!! YOU DID IT!
These are great and I know they will love them.
ReplyDeleteupdateeeeeee, it been weeks i go to this sight ALL the time!! lol and i miss you we just got back from caseys wedding