Wednesday, September 10, 2008

TESTING SIZING (with my cutie-pa-tootie!!)

Photobucket Image HostingPhotobucket Image Hosting
Please leave me a comment and tell me if you see the whole picture or just a portion of it - I'm trying this resizing thing again and REALLY hoping that we aren't seeing storm drains again (you know who you are).... Thanks so much for your help!!! If I get this right, I'll share my secret with everyone who leaves me a comment!!!

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  1. Yes, I am seeing the entire picture and not one storm drain. :) I have wanted to play with the blog photo sizing . . . I am glad that you have figured it out. Do share.

  2. I can see it all. And I love the expression on her face in the second pic - watch out!

  3. The pics are perfect - all there. She is definately a cutie-pa-tootie.

  4. full picture and they look awesome! as usual! what a gorgeous model :) please share the sizing secret with me :)

  5. No storm drains this time. Just a beautiful little girl dressed in white in a field of yellow flowers. Did I get it right this time?:)
