Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The traditional "front door" first day of school pose!! I love comparing all the prior years to see how they have grown compared to the door. Ready for third grade!!
Hannah is so excited to have Mrs. Barker this year - our school is relatively small, so the kids know all the teachers very well - it's like a big happy family!!

Kirsten has a quick consult with Hannah's teacher before heading off to the Upper School.
Ready to learn!!
Is this a "stop taking pictures Mom" look or is it a "I'm not ready for you to leave yet Dad" face?? Guess we will have to wait until this afternoon to find out! My little Anna Mae starts kindergarten today - how did that happen???
Kirsten with her favorite teacher (sorry - it's true!!!) I missed you guys!!!
A quick pose for our favorite photographer....

Another "first day" together.....
Kirsten is soooo excited to have her riding buddy Mary Ellen attending her school this year - hope you like our school as much as we do Mary Ellen!!!

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  1. I still remember those first days back. I was always very excited but had that nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. It looks like your girls had a great morning.

  2. It's hard to believe that the summer's gone and they are back in school, another year older. Yikes the time flies.

  3. I love the big smiles on the first day of school! Looks like the girls are both going to have a GREAT year! How did Boo do today with her sisters at school??

  4. I love seeing the new pictures of the first day of school. They are growing up. Looks like a happy bunch of girls. Can't wait to see when Emily goes to Ballerina School. ( I am sure I didn't spell that right.) Can't seem to spell anything right anymore. Senioritis has hit.:)

  5. Anonymous9/02/2008

    Very sweet! Now, Anna Mae is Joann's, right?

  6. DEB- Yep - Anna Mae belongs to Joanne!!

    WENDY - Boo is actually doing quite well!! I was expecting a bit of boredom, etc, but she is just used to taking whatever comes her way!! She is so good....
