Friday, August 15, 2008


What an amazing day!! Kirsten's first horse show - we are all finally coming down off the adrenaline rush. She did amazingly well for her first show - and received a Fifth Place ribbon. We were all thrilled!!Kirsten with "Know No Limits"
Absolutely hysterical!! We need a life size print of this one! Always keep a sense of humor - and remember to brush your teeth!!
Kirsten and her riding buddy Mary Ellen.
Getting ready
Kirsten and Mrs. Leigh

Checking in with Dad - "Are you sure she can't come home with us??"

In the dressage arena

In the cross country arena

Stadium jumping

Kirsten and her trainer, Leigh.
Landing on one foot! Oh my goodness - WE DID IT!!
The results are in...
Her first show ribbon - Fifth Place!!Two of her best friends were there to cheer her on!!!

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  1. I'm so excited to see the pics! I know about that adrenaline rush! You hold your breath the whole time and can hear your heart pounding in your ears. Most of Nicole's shows were in a quiet arena and all I could hear was my heart! I'm so glad she had a good time and she will treasure that ribbon forever. Cute horse, too!

  2. Congratulations Kirsten!! I am proud of you! The pictures make me feel like I was there--thanks Heather!

  3. Great job Kirsten, You look like a pro. I know you had fun and you did great.

  4. Congratulations!!! I know how exciting it is to win your first show ribbon!!! Awesome job! And the photos are beautiful :)

  5. Kir kir im gonna start calling you that now! Great job thats awesome! You ROCK!
    LOVE YA,
