Friday, June 6, 2008


Hooray!! It's officially summer!! Yesterday we had a great time at field day with our school at beautiful Glen Angus Farms. The weather was perfect and we all got our first sunburns of the season. It was a great family day! However, since I had two puppies and five girls to look after (while Joanne went to pick up THEIR new puppy from the airport!), I didn't even attempt to take pictures. Today was the Awards Assembly (looks like the girls have mush brains now), and then off to pool parties, playdates, sleepovers, etc. I'm so proud of how well both my girls did this year - they have worked so hard - Kirsten finished the year Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors). She has her Daddy's brains.
Oh, and here is the newest member of the Webb family - meet BANDIT!! He is half Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and half Bichon Frise, AKA a Cavachon. My boy's new best friend! Is he the cutest?

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/07/2008

    Y'all are just crazy about those cute lil' pups, aren't you? I have to admit they're adorable.
