Sunday, June 29, 2008


This evening, the girls and Nana and I all sat on her back porch and watched and wondered at the marvel of "heat lightning". We had fun talking about all the possiblities of why we could see the lightning, yet hear no thunder. Then we came inside and googled "heat lightning". It was very educational!!

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  1. These pictures are so cool. It was fun all of us sitting out there.

  2. Anonymous7/02/2008

    Looks like you are having the time of your life! I'm so glad you're enjoying your trip.

    And, yes, we did eat at Friendly's. We were going to go to Broom's Bloom, but we had a little lightning action up here that night!

  3. Anonymous7/03/2008

    These pictures are gorgeous. I love the vibrant colors. You'll have to tell me the educational explanation when you get home - you know how I love anything educational:)

  4. Good old Florida. These are really pretty.

  5. DISCLAIMER!! I did not take these pictures, Kirsten pulled them up on google!!!
