Saturday, June 14, 2008


Last weekend, my oldest niece graduated from high school. I still can't believe it. It seems just like yesterday I got the call while at work that my very first niece had been born. I remember how I absolutely dropped everything and just left to go see her. I got in my car and realized I had never even told anyone at work that I was leaving or where I was going - I was so excited! This is that day when I got to the hospital and just held her and held her.

(pardon the 80's hair)

And look at her now! I'm so very proud of her. She has turned into a beautiful, smart, passionate young woman. She is so passionate about life - she lives it the fullest. We can all learn so much from her - she always looks for fun and laughter. She helped my two older daughters discover their passion - horses! She is a leader. She is the oldest of three siblings, and oldest of eight cousins. Nicole has so many people looking up to her and she has done a great job filling that role. She graduated with honors and with 24 college credits.

Nicole - we love you so much, not just for who you are but for WHAT YOU ARE!! The world is out there waiting for you - go and make a difference.

You will always be my little Coley.

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  1. Anonymous6/14/2008

    What a beautiful tribute.

  2. Awwwww...I can't believe it either. It's surreal at times and still sinking in.

    So for the funny.... I think there are three living things in that first your hair! Ohhh don't we all love our 80s hair! Remember Aquanet?

  3. I also noticed the hair. "Big" hair. But what I really noticed was that Heather has ALWAYS loved children. Especially babies. I guess that is why God blessed her with 3. She is a born mommy. Boy old pictures tell a story. I remember how little Cole was when they got married.

  4. Aww. You made me cry, that was so cool to read. It really meant a lot to me. I was so tiny! ha Im excited to go out and show the world all I got! Cant wait to see you..I hope it is soon! I love you!

  5. Heather you have some big hair there!
