Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Will everyone please leave a comment and tell me if you are able to see the whole pictures now that they are big? I have had two people tell me they are only seeing part of the pictures that I am posting. Has this issue been resolved?


  1. It is better now. I wasn't getting the whole picture before.

  2. I still only get some of it. If I double click it then I can see it all in photobucket but not at a glance. Cute pictures!

  3. The same here as with Pam. If I double click on it it makes a smaller picture, but I can't see the whole one until I do. I love the pictures of the boys. THey are adorable.

  4. I still only see part of the pictures, too. Same as with Mom and Pam! But, they are great pictures!

  5. Anonymous4/16/2008

    I am only seeing part of the picture, the left side is cut off! they are still great pictures!

  6. Anonymous4/16/2008

    I mean the right side - sorry~!

  7. I'm seeing the whole picture - was that this morning? Maybe you resolved it? But yesterday I saw the whole pics too. Anyway, LOVE the pink glittery shoe pic - another fave. Bought photoshop yesterday...

  8. I still only get some of it.

  9. arrrrrggggghhhhhh!! Very frustrating. Guess I'll go back to posting smaller pictures. Yeah Karen - so glad you got photoshop - now the real fun begins!

  10. Thnx for the better pictures
