Tuesday, April 8, 2008


  1. Heather, these melt my heart! Really great shots.

  2. I love the dress. Reminds me when I was a little girl (so many years ago) I always loved the full shirts that I could spin around in and make them go way out. She looks like she is having a ball. Looks like she will be needing some leos soon. She is going to want to be a dancer.

  3. Anonymous4/09/2008

    Heather, BJ's has adorable spinny dresses with matching American Doll dresses attached. It was so hard not to buy them for my girls and drive directly to your house.

    Oh, and if you hear screaming tomorrow morning at about 11, that will be Breanna getting her hair cut. She'll also be kicking the woman in the stomach, and I'll be tipping heavily.
