Saturday, April 5, 2008


This is Mrs. Leigh - the girls riding instructor. She is amazing. I can't even get a load of laundry done with a baby in the house, but Super-Mom just straps the baby on her back and never misses a beat! And baby Jordan loves every minute of it! Jordan is the cutie little baby in the saddle on my website. We love Mrs. Leigh so much - she is an amazing mentor for my girls. She is a wonderful christian, (we just found out she even sings solos at church!) and she was home-schooled her whole life. She went into the medical field and decided to return to what she loves most!

Isn't she amazing? A grin and a frown!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heavenly stars - does she have a chiropractor??
    The close-ups of the baby are adorable.
