Monday, March 17, 2008


We enjoyed a beautiful day at Silver Springs yesterday. To me, it's a perfect example of the real Florida.


Kimberly said...

Oh! That makes me miss Ocala! Remember taking Kirsten and Emily to the water part of Silver Springs when they were little? I wonder if they remember that. Looks like you are having good weather!

Karen said...

I'm so glad you put some pics up! Silver Springs is so beautiful and yes, it is the real Florida - that and Homassassa Springs! I tell all of my northern friends they have to visit these out-of-the-way places.

Florida Girl said...

I've always loved Silver Springs. I remember the field trips we took there in Elementary school back when we had "real" field trips. One outstanding memory was some wax sculpture that came from a machine. I'm sure it melted all over something of my mom's later. Also--sack lunches on the pretty lawns there.

Heather O'Steen Photography said...

Funny you remember that Pam!! Stephanie and I were discussing those wax scultures as we were walking through Silver Springs! What a memory...