Well, today is the day!! My web site officially goes live! I wanted to say a big thank you to my photographer friend Amy in FL who has been so, so helpful in answering my many questions about setting up this business. ( http://www.capturingreallife.com/ ) I also wanted to say thank you to Meggan - for making me realize I CAN do this!! Thanks Meggan! http://www.sweetcaptures.com/ )
And thanks to my 7th grade girls small group - my biggest fans! Thanks for believing in me! You girls ROCK!! :) And the biggest thank you of all to my husband Richard, for answering my endless "I need your opinion" questions, and for the neverending "you can do its"!!! Love you!
Enjoy checking out the site.
YEAHHHHH! It looks great! I'm so glad you are using the talent you have been given in such a great way! I know Florida isn't in your "20 mile radius" but I hope to schedule a session some day! I'm so proud of You!