Hello Blog-land Friends! We are so thrilled to once again be a part of this years Timberdoodle Official Blog Team that brings you fun and engaging Crazy Smart homeschool products! Today we have another fantastic Timberdoodle Product for you.
This is the Color Fold Logic Puzzle by Thinkfun.
We have enjoyed so many brain puzzles by Thinkfun through the years and this one has a fun new twist. My married 24 year old daughter enjoyed it just as much as my homeschooled 12 year old daughter! Dad even took a turn or two at solving the puzzle.
The Color Fold puzzle comes with 40 different challenges ranging from Beginner to Expert level. The back of the cards show the solution if you need a tip or you just want to see how it's done. That was really helpful for the first time or two you were solving a puzzle. Also - the self correcting nature of it lends itself to independent learning play for younger ones.
The fabric seems super durable and able to be folded for years to come! I love that the puzzle is quite small and easy to throw into a bag for on the go learning and fun.
"The concept is simple: Fold the Cloth along the lines until only the colored squares shown on the Challenge Card can be seen. Finding the right combination of overfolds and underfolds will challenge even the most skilled puzzlers. Strengthen your visual perception and sequential reasoning skills as you fold and flip your way through 40 beginner to expert challenges!"
Timberdoodle sent this product in exchange for our honest review.
You can also find Color Fold as part of the 11th Grade Curriculum Kit at Timberdoodle Company.
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