Thursday, March 16, 2017

25th Anniversary at the Grand Canyon

It's crazy how fast time flies.  I remember when I was young and heard older people tell me this and I would internally roll my eyes at them.  Yeah, now I know what they were talking about.  Funny how life has a way of doing that to you - the older you get, you realize the less you know.  For our 25th anniversary we decided to cross a bucket list item off - the Grand Canyon!  It was an incredible trip with lots more than just visiting the Grand Canyon, but for now I just want to share these images we had done by a photographer on the Sky Walk.  It was an amazing experience - you had to wear special little shoe covers to keep from scratching the glass skywalk that gave you an unbelievable view. 

 There have definitely been times in our marriage that we felt like doing this to each other! 

 But I guess you don't make it 25 years unless there are times like these also.  :)

 It was really breathtaking to take in this view with our arms around each other on the exact day of our wedding, 25 years later - almost like gazing back over all the trials and tribulations of all those years. 

 It was CRAZY to be able to look straight down into the canyon!

 (you can see the muddy Colorado river down there!)
 We made it Babe! Now here's to another 25 more! 
Here are some stock photos that were included in our images - the first one shows the sky walk at the top - so amazing! 

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are awesome. Glad you two stuck it out for twenty five years. The next twenty five will have completly different highs and lows. But it's all part of life snd worth living it together.
