Saturday, October 20, 2012

Oh My Goodness Gracious!!

I am still alive! I promise!  Life has taken on QUITE the hectic pace lately. This is always my busy time of year for photography, so that is expected, but this year it seems to have doubled or tripled the normal pace. Add to that the fact that I have stayed very busy as a substitute teacher at "the most wonderful school on the planet", as I like to call it.  I have enjoyed that SOO much! This is the first time in 18 years that all girls are in school all day, so it was my first opportunity to do something like it.   Since school has started I am usually there at least twice a week.  And even adding to that is the whole college search, visits, application process, interviews, scholarship research, etc - that is a full time job in itself!   Life is very busy, but very good and everyone is thriving and happy!  Banana has adjusted to the transition to the upper school quite well, and Miss Boo just LOVES being in school all day and just can't learn enough.  She is a little sponge.  I think her reading abilities are about to surpass my own - HA!   I haven't taken too many pictures of our normal daily life lately, so I will leave you with a few images from some of my recent sessions..... For the next three weeks I have approximately 25 photo sessions on the schedule - hoping and praying to keep our home running smoothly and everyone dressed, fed, and happy!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous photos! Wow!

  2. Amazing photos! The ones of the twins made me grin! I wish my twins were that tiny again, at least for one photo shoot with you! :)
