Monday, December 13, 2010

Meeting Sharee-Janae

One of "my girls" from my teen-girls-bible-study has a new baby sister!   Julianna welcomed Sharee-Janae into her forever family from Ethiopia!!

Is she not the cutest thing you have ever laid eyes on?  As soon as I held this precious baby my heart just overflowed with love - SIGN ME UP!!!!

Three years ago Julz announced in my girls' small group to start praying for her family as they start the adoption process from Ethiopia.    Amazing to think we prayed at that time for a life that hadn't even begun yet, but God knew exactly what her plans were.....

It's so hard to believe she is actually here!

Safe in the arms of her earthly father...and her heavenly father....

Her mommy and daddy prayed for EIGHT years for this baby - they prayed "around the globe" as mom says... asking God exactly where they were supposed to adopt their baby from.  Five years of praying, and God answered "Ethiopia".  Even mom was a little surprised at this.... but they followed God's leadings, and three years after that, she came home.   She came home to be the little princess in a home filled with FOUR big sisters!!

"For I know the plans I have for you...plans to give you hope and a future...."


  1. My excitement always overflows with news of another forever family made! God has blessed our family so greatly thru adoption and I pray the same blessing on this family! Thanks for sharing Heather! She is so precious.

  2. Oh she is just beautiful! What a lucky little girl and blessed family!! Congratulations!
