Thursday, June 18, 2009


I bent my "no wedding" rules for this one exception - a beach wedding - how could I say no? All natural light. Plus, this is one of my favorite families to photograph, they crack me up. It was a beautiful small family wedding in Bethany Beach, Delaware. The sky was changing the entire time we were out there, which made for some interesting images. On a technical note, I am a "manual" camera girl - I always want the camera in manual so that I am in complete control (yep, I'm a control freak) of everything the camera is doing. Well, with the sun coming and going and the lighting changing so much, I second-guessed myself slightly. Of course, not wanting to miss a shot at such an important event, I flipped my camera over to "aperture priority". It's still pretty much in manual, the only thing is the camera chooses it's own shutter speed to match the aperture I select. I just found my NEW BEST FRIEND!! I always kinda felt like it would be cheating a little to use anything other than manual, but I'm so pleased with how all the images came out. I'm going through over 500 images, but here are some of my favorites.


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  1. And why don't you want to photograph weddings???? These are beautiful! The soft lighting from the cloudy sky just is perfect - gives a very romantic essence to the pictures. Love the bride and groom kissing while the others are jumping.

  2. Did you shoot the entire wedding in AP? These look awesome! You should so do weddings more often!

  3. no thanks on the weddings, and yes I did the whole wedding in AP Whitney! This wedding was fun though!!

  4. These are great Heather. One day you may change your mind on weddings. Remember when you didn't think you even wanted to photograph anyone??? You are a natural and will be in demand.

  5. wow, heather! these are beautiful! i have been looking at the aperture priority thing on my canon and wondering what it would turn out like if i used it. these are awesome! i may have to give it a go :)
