Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Chasing Summer

Chasing the last days of summer at the barn..

A reset for the soul...

Mud therapy....
"No pictures fly mask is still on"..

Sister time...

The smell of fly spray, the sound of crickets, the setting sun...
barn cats...

the smell of saddle leather, the sound of horse tails flicking, a gentle horse whinny, sister chatter

soft newly grown winter horse hair

barn cat-dog.....

Smokey-Joe snuggles....

a glimpse of her sweet face that reminds me so much of her older sisters at this age.... with big sister so symbolically behind her in every way...

big sister horse trainer voice gently leading from the side...

summer, we found you one last time.....


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Happy First Anniversary Kirsten and Tim!

Happy First Anniversary Kirsten and Tim!

You can see their wedding story by clicking here: