- Boo taking notes on the British Parliament
- repurposed the Ikea cart to hold homeschool supplies
- lunch time and Liberty's Kids (and Chick-Fila and beanie boos)
- she doodles the history lesson :)
- breakfast time and CNN 10 Student News - a new favorite time of day (and beanie boos)
- big sister Banana leaves encouraging notes regarding math frustrations
- puppies and Beanie Boos are always close by
- read alouds and pre-pointe exercises
-holding her planks
- celebrating a perfect score in history!
- quick photo session in dance studio with friends - physical education - CHECK!
- Schoolhouse Rock :) (and have we mentioned beanie boos???)
- morning basket memory time
- Latin class projects
- first dance competition a huge success!
- STEM learning, Lego stop-motion videos
- field trip to the Franklin Institute Science Center in Philadelphia
One of my favorite things about looking back on my blog is seeing the everyday little moments that didn't mean much at the time, but mean so much in the years to come. Not only will I want to remember Boo on a rocking horse (left over prop from a baby photo session) with her puppy -but I love seeing my man in the background and a teenager in the fridge. The days are long but the years are short....
Meanwhile, Punkin spent several wonderful weeks at home before she had to go back for her FINAL semester in college before she graduates in May. There was lots of time spent wedding planning, watching Netflix, helping homeschool, and a fun weekend trip. Banana has been SOOO busy with schoolwork (taking almost all AP and honors classes this year), spending some time with the school drama, spending time with her friends and small group and working at (our favorite place) Chick-Fila. We were so worried she (or we) might get tired of the Fila, but her devotion and addiction to that yummy chicken has only multiplied! The bigger kiddos don't allow me to take pictures of them like I used to - especially that middle one!! But alas, we are all enjoying each other (most days) and doing life together, and documenting it all here to enjoy in the days to come.