This week is the first week of summer that we actually have nothing on the calendar. Don't get me wrong, we still have five thousand little things to do, but nothing huge and consuming. It's SOOO nice!! I found myself this afternoon with a sleeping two-year-old, two sleeping puppies, Hannah at a friend's house and Kirsten so contentedly reading in her room. Instead of running around and doing the thousands of things I "should" be doing, I decided to spend some alone time with my camera and the great outdoors!! (oh-la-la!). I just walked around our yard and shot some things that I thought looked interesting. And wow, I even had time to post them before Boo woke up!

I especially love the water picture! I have a whole bunch I took of all my flowers too - I'll post them soon. I really enjoyed taking pictures of flowers.
Neat pictures. I love to take pictures of things growing, even little peas.
Wow - they look like post cards. Lots of beautiful things to look at in your yard.
I love the butterfly. I captured a dragonfly this weekend. I'll post it sometime this week.
You should be random everyday. I love these!
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